NASHVILLE, Tenn.––Guidelines for Men’s Ministries and Guidelines for Scouting and Civic Youth-Serving Ministry are now available from at $3.25 each.

The books are part of a series of 26 guidelines for teachers, finance officers, pastors, trustees, lay leaders, and leaders of worship, the church council, stewardship, small-membership churches and the Pastor-Parish Relations Committee.

The Men’s Ministries guideline provides information about men’s ministry specialists, teaching churches, webinars, the charter, mission projects and recognition awards.

The Scouting Ministries Guideline provides 10 reasons to consider scouting as a ministry of the local church and information about child and youth protection. The book also provide information about scouting coordinators, scouting ministry specialists, bishop’s dinners, Programs of Religious Activities with Youth and other scouting awards.

The guidelines were prepared by staff members of the General Commission on UM Men.

Links to the guidelines:

Men's Ministries Guidlines

Scouting Ministries Guidelines


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