· Leadership Development

Wise advice and a challenge

By Gil Hanke

Several months ago a bishop, taught me well.

People were asking, “If xxx happens which may cause changes in yyy, then how will we complete zzz?” The group was having a hard time seeing the steps that will take us to the future. He suggested we “worry about things in order.” Basically, it is a waste of time, and energy to worry about “zzz” and “yyy” until we face “xxx”. That is a challenge for me, and, I imagine, for others, who typically plan months and years ahead.

Jesus instructs us in Matthew 6:34 (NRSV), “So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today.”

Jesus also talks about planning, but I was worrying more than planning.

Today, we have even more unanswerable questions. You and I must make some choices. We need to address the needs that are right before us. If I want more men in this denomination to demonstrate an active and on-growing relationship with Jesus, then we need to give them the tools.

We have just completed three separate 8-week trainings on The Class Meeting. More than 25 participants have each committed to begin a Class Meeting in their context, which means about 200 men, as you read this, are in weekly groups acting out their call to discipleship. That is just one example of the multiple trainings taking place by your staff and leaders across the country, and beyond. I invite you to take part, so we will all have the tools we need to face the uncertain future.

In all aspects of men’s and scouting ministries, we have what you need.

Email me the area where you need to grow, and your staff will take from there.

Still striving.

Gil Hanke, chief executive officer

General Commission on UM Men



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