UMM is working to implement a new model and vision of men’s ministry. We believe that the result will be men involved in all four areas of focus which will reach the world for Christ. United Methodist Men are responding to the four areas of focus in the following ways:

Engaging in Ministry with the Poor...

  • Training UMM leaders to become advocates and friends of the poor, and eliminate the effects of poverty and racism.
  • Expanding US hunger relief efforts through the Society of Saint Andrew.
  • Supporting children of incarcerated parents through Amachi.
  • Expanding global hunger relief through Stop Hunger Now.

Read news related to

· Ministry to Men, Ministry with the Poor

I am my brother's keeper, and he is mine

By Mark Dehority

“I will be my brother’s keeper. Be the light for him to see and if he stumbles I will do for him what he would do for me,”

––From the song “My Brother’s Keeper” by Dan Holmes

Christ calls us to be our brother's keeper.

How we do that is sometimes obvious. At other times it is obscure and complex.

What exactly do I do different on Monday morning? How do I disciple others? How do I become my brother's keeper? How do I allow him to keep me?

My Wesley Study Bible says:

“In John 14:15 and 21, Jesus links loving him to keeping his commandments, so that love is the only law in our relationships––with oneself, with neighbors, with enemies, with creation and with God. In practice, it means promoting the highest good of others and not causing harm.”

Even though this is a tall order, it explains how I can love others. It takes away much of the uncomfortable parts of loving each other.

Love looks like Jesus.

God will put people in our path

We can’t be all things to all people. But, God will put people in our paths who need various levels of brotherly keeping.

This can be as small as offering a meal or a ride (and always a prayer) to a brother in need. It can be as deep as being a proverbial Paul to a brother Timothy.

Intentionally practicing small acts of kindness is a basic part of Christian life.

Develop a plan

Once we decide we are going to walk with Christ, it is important to develop a plan of action.

I am comfortable with the small things. I keep a small amount of cash to give to others and I ask people if I can pray for them.

For the deeper and longer term, I find small groups provide an opportunity for growth in making disciples and becoming my brother's keeper.

Available tools

  • The Understanding Men's Ministry course
  • The Class Meeting
  • Disciple Bible classes
  • Wesley Building Brothers
  • Walk to Emmaus.

The “Understanding Men's Ministry” course is provided by the General Commission on UM Men and is the foundation of our “men's ministry specialists” certification program.

This course focuses on the number one priority of our church and men's ministry––“Making disciples of Jesus Christ.” The course guides us through the process of evaluating our current culture and men. As we identify men and where they are in their life as disciples, we can identify opportunities for their transformational growth. It provides long-term structure and constant growth for every man associated with our church or organization. For more information, contact The Rev. Dr. Richard Vance (

Are we ready to be helped?

Do we have brothers who we can turn to for support? Or are we going to spend our lives pretending to be “fine”?

Discipling is about relationships and being ready to be each other’s keeper. We must admit our brokenness and accept help,

Are we ready with a hand up and a prayer?

Are we ready to share our stories?

Are we ready to help others to find a deeper relationship with Christ?

Discipling is something we do with others, not to them,

Mark Dehority, deployed staff
General Commission on UM Men


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