Come to “Wesley Building Brothers” for an overview of how your church can build a men’s ministry using the Wesleyan class meeting process of men sharing life and scripture to grow in Discipleship. This class will:

•        Help you build a men’s ministry that supports the church.

•        Help your men grow beyond being like spiritual children or youth to spiritual manhood by walking closely with God and reproducing disciples.


A detailed flyer about the course is available at the Four Conference Discipleship Series (Wesley Building Brothers) link at: ..


Please register at  Cost is only $75, including 5 meals, dorm lodging, and book. Or $25 for Saturday only, with 3 meals and book, no lodging.


The presenter is  George Houle, Certified Men’s Ministry, from Wichita Kansas. The course will be at Camp Fontanelle, a short distance from Fremont, Nebraska, running 5-9 PM  Friday, Sept 27 through Saturday, Sept 28, 8 AM – 4:30 PM. Questions: Craig Nordaker, 402-453-6666 or George Houle at (316) 573-8359.