· Leadership Development

Be faithful in all things


By the Rev. Rickey Haynes


“In the beginning . . .”


Well, it was not the immediate beginning, but soon after God created human beings, a spirit of rebellion entered the world.

Thousands of years later we are still in the same mess.


We would like to blame this mess on the first human beings for rebelling against God, or we would like to blame God for allowing it to happen. However, our reasoning is critically flawed.


That kind of thinking results in our desire to continue in a rebellious state.


Yes, we are a rebellious people. We can see that even in the little things.


We say “no” to the limits that authorities establish for the good of the whole. For instance, if I drive the speed limit most people will pass me. Regardless of the speed limit, 35 or 75, a large number of people will disobey.


And when was the last time you completely stopped at a stop sign?


These small things will not cause you to lose your soul. I’m certainly not insinuating that possibility. But, Luke 16:10 says: “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities” (NLT).

This applies to all things.


Men, when we are rebellious in the little things what does that say to those around us, especially our wives, children, and fellow church members?


Can we be trusted to be faithful in the bigger things?


A very silly thought? Maybe. But let me place it in another setting.

  • Have you been faithful to the vows you made at your baptism? Have you reviewed those vows recently?
  • What have you done lately with your response for Christ through your vocation?
  • Are you using the resources that God has blessed you with for God’s glory to the fullest?
  • What or who are you making disciples for with your words and actions?

How faithful have you been in your prayer life?

  • Has your prayer life included a true and honest time of confession and repentance?
  • Has it included a time of seeking God’s future direction for your life?
  • Has it included a time of stillness in the presence of God?

Can we, the men of the family called by the name Methodist, be trusted with the little things of God? If not, why should we ever expect to be trusted with the larger things?


Maybe today we can start by coming to a complete stop –– no not the one at the intersection, (even though would be a great idea). The one I am referring to is the one urging us to pause in God’s presence and look closely at our life before we proceed.

Make certain the way is clear to move along the path God is calling us to travel.


The Rev. Rickey Haynes

Superintendent of the Senatobia District

Mississippi Annual Conference

Substituting for Bishop James Swanson


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